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Hello there
Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 18:41
von EbonH4wK
After a long time not writing in here, I just want to ask one question. Where is GodGell , his "always on line site" is down :(??
My contact with Corny lost when I reset my jabber acc, and the rest of You ppl disappeared somewhere with english forum.
Is Psycho_Fox active in here ??
Whats up in AquaWorld ?? Maybe some fresh news ??
Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 20:09
von Corny
I already wondered where you hid :(
Psycho_Fox is here, too, although he's not super-active

News, well, there is a hope for Aquanox 3 since JoWood asked what we wish for it

GodGell doesn't care much about Aqua and coding anymore, his site is offline for a longer time...
Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 20:58
von EbonH4wK
;/ Nicht gut mein Freund.
Dammm it so big shame there is no contact with him...
Corny plz try to write me on my new adress, I have it in my profile.
ehhh I really regret I've found You so late. Marcin gave me this link lately.
I remember that some of You played Freelancer, do anyone still plays it ?? We could play together online, what do You think about this?
Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 21:30
von Corny
There is a button in your profile, but it doesn't work. :(
Just add me then, it's
[email protected].
Freelancer? Hmm... maybe I'll try if it works with WINE. It's been a while since I played it

Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 22:47
von EbonH4wK
it works, but You have to keep the cursor on it, then appears the adress (mine is
[email protected])
The problem is that I've added You to my list, but unfortunately I dont have confirmation .
Yeahh, its kinda old game. I started to play it couple days ago and after about 13 hours of playing I'm under a big impression of it. I found also some big modifications of it so I think that the fun would be great
PS can You wrtie something more about AN 3 and JW questions??

Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Donnerstag 13. November 2008, 00:35
von Spion
Some guy asked in the JoWood Forums about AN3 (and after that he disappeared

). To make things short
RHJoWooD the Product Manager from JoWood wanted to know what would be important for a new Aquanox game.
And now there is a big discussion
They said they will check the possibilities if they have time again.
And international fans are a very good argument for an Aquanox3

Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Donnerstag 13. November 2008, 00:57
von EbonH4wK
If I knew german as well as in my primary school I could write something to help ;p
But unfortunately I dont ;/, I could write something in ENG though.
Can You sum up the whole 8 pages

?? Or at least, will it be, or they only make some hope for us, and nothing more ??
I see some of our users took part in it

Good good, veeery good.
Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Donnerstag 13. November 2008, 11:31
von Corny
EbonH4wK hat geschrieben:it works, but You have to keep the cursor on it, then appears the adress (mine is
[email protected])

I still have that adress in my list... weird.
Mabye deleting me and adding me again will work?
Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Dienstag 28. April 2009, 18:27
von EbonH4wK [PL]
Something weird happened with my 'old' acc, I cant receive new pass on my e mail. So here is second one ;p
Whats up m8's ?

Re: Hello there
Verfasst: Dienstag 28. April 2009, 18:31
von Corny
Yeah welcome back!