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Hello there

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 18:41
von EbonH4wK

After a long time not writing in here, I just want to ask one question. Where is GodGell , his "always on line site" is down :(??

My contact with Corny lost when I reset my jabber acc, and the rest of You ppl disappeared somewhere with english forum.

Is Psycho_Fox active in here ??

Whats up in AquaWorld ?? Maybe some fresh news ??

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 20:09
von Corny
I already wondered where you hid :(
Psycho_Fox is here, too, although he's not super-active :D
News, well, there is a hope for Aquanox 3 since JoWood asked what we wish for it :)
GodGell doesn't care much about Aqua and coding anymore, his site is offline for a longer time...

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 20:58
von EbonH4wK
;/ Nicht gut mein Freund.
Dammm it so big shame there is no contact with him...

Corny plz try to write me on my new adress, I have it in my profile.

ehhh I really regret I've found You so late. Marcin gave me this link lately.

I remember that some of You played Freelancer, do anyone still plays it ?? We could play together online, what do You think about this?

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 21:30
von Corny
There is a button in your profile, but it doesn't work. :(
Just add me then, it's [email protected].
Freelancer? Hmm... maybe I'll try if it works with WINE. It's been a while since I played it :)

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. November 2008, 22:47
von EbonH4wK
it works, but You have to keep the cursor on it, then appears the adress (mine is [email protected]) :)

The problem is that I've added You to my list, but unfortunately I dont have confirmation .

Yeahh, its kinda old game. I started to play it couple days ago and after about 13 hours of playing I'm under a big impression of it. I found also some big modifications of it so I think that the fun would be great :)

PS can You wrtie something more about AN 3 and JW questions?? :)

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Donnerstag 13. November 2008, 00:35
von Spion
Some guy asked in the JoWood Forums about AN3 (and after that he disappeared :mrgreen: ). To make things short RHJoWooD the Product Manager from JoWood wanted to know what would be important for a new Aquanox game.

And now there is a big discussion

They said they will check the possibilities if they have time again.

And international fans are a very good argument for an Aquanox3 :thumbup:

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Donnerstag 13. November 2008, 00:57
von EbonH4wK
If I knew german as well as in my primary school I could write something to help ;p

But unfortunately I dont ;/, I could write something in ENG though.

Can You sum up the whole 8 pages :D ?? Or at least, will it be, or they only make some hope for us, and nothing more ??

I see some of our users took part in it :) Good good, veeery good.

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Donnerstag 13. November 2008, 11:31
von Corny
EbonH4wK hat geschrieben:it works, but You have to keep the cursor on it, then appears the adress (mine is [email protected]) :)
I still have that adress in my list... weird.
Mabye deleting me and adding me again will work?

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Dienstag 28. April 2009, 18:27
von EbonH4wK [PL]
Something weird happened with my 'old' acc, I cant receive new pass on my e mail. So here is second one ;p

Whats up m8's ? :D

Re: Hello there

Verfasst: Dienstag 28. April 2009, 18:31
von Corny
Yeah welcome back!