looking for information
looking for information
Hi everyone, been a while since last on here.
Need some information on a few things.
Spec's for the Stingray and Hydra from Aquanox2, also after any useful information on other weapons, submarine modifing equipment and submarines not listed in the manuals and commonly know.
This is to a pet project I'm working on, which is combining Archimedean Dynasty and Aquanox/2 weapon systems, equipment, submarines and enviroments in to one game, and enhancing the in sub and station exper.
Hallo jeder, sind, solang seit Beherrschung an da.
Nötiger einiger Information hinsichtlich etlicher Dinge.
Schiebung, da Stingray - maritimer Kater und Hydra ab Aquanox2, gleichfalls nachdem keinerleier nutzbarer Information hinsichtlich anderer Waffen, submarine modifing Einrichtung und submarines nicht abfasste Liste in Anführungen und üblich kennen.
Dieser gegenübertritt liebkosender Projekt, an das ich arbeitet, das kombiniert Archimedean Dynastie und Gebäude der Waffe Aquanox/2, Einrichtung, submarines und Umwelt zu eins Spiel, und heraufsetzt geschalteter Vorbestellung und Bahnhof exper.
Need some information on a few things.
Spec's for the Stingray and Hydra from Aquanox2, also after any useful information on other weapons, submarine modifing equipment and submarines not listed in the manuals and commonly know.
This is to a pet project I'm working on, which is combining Archimedean Dynasty and Aquanox/2 weapon systems, equipment, submarines and enviroments in to one game, and enhancing the in sub and station exper.
Hallo jeder, sind, solang seit Beherrschung an da.
Nötiger einiger Information hinsichtlich etlicher Dinge.
Schiebung, da Stingray - maritimer Kater und Hydra ab Aquanox2, gleichfalls nachdem keinerleier nutzbarer Information hinsichtlich anderer Waffen, submarine modifing Einrichtung und submarines nicht abfasste Liste in Anführungen und üblich kennen.
Dieser gegenübertritt liebkosender Projekt, an das ich arbeitet, das kombiniert Archimedean Dynastie und Gebäude der Waffe Aquanox/2, Einrichtung, submarines und Umwelt zu eins Spiel, und heraufsetzt geschalteter Vorbestellung und Bahnhof exper.
Zuletzt geändert von DragoFire am Dienstag 29. Januar 2013, 01:51, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Re: looking for information
I was just about to link to my site when I noticed that I don't have data for the Hydra or Stingray either :(
Re: looking for information
Corny hat geschrieben:I was just about to link to my site when I noticed that I don't have data for the Hydra or Stingray either :(
I used to have it, but lost it in a house move, I have all the weapons and submarine equipment mods from AD and Aquanox still from completing both, but not Aquanox 2 for some reason.
on a side note I notice the english section of the forum's gone. I'll try to remember to double post with English and German.

Ich ausnutzte, auf daß zu haben dieser, aber verlor dieser in Haus bewegen sich, ich hat all Waffen und Modeherren submarine Einrichtung ab ANKÜNDIGUNG und Aquanox all noch ab Aufarbeitung beide, aber nicht Aquanox 2 for einiger Anlaß.
auf seiten anmerken, daß ich achtet auf english Sektion des Forums es entgehen. Ich ist zu schmecken zu behalten, auf daß zu verdoppeln Post mit Englische und Deutsche.

Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Re: looking for information
Well found the information ingame, even read through all the coding on the equipment, weapons and submarines.
One thing I've forgotten was how to extract the models from the games into OBJ or other useful formats. I thought I'd already done it years ago, but unable to locate them. If anyone has any advice or happens to already have them in a useable format please give me a yell.
Gut fand Information ingame, selbst hinweglesen all codiert an Einrichtung, Waffen und submarines.
Eins Ding, das ich vergaßen, war, was zu herausziehen Modells ab Spiele in OBJ oder anderer nutzbarer Formate. Ich dachte, daß ich bereits erledigte dieser Jahre rückwärts, aber nicht in Befund zu plazieren sie. Falls irgendwer hat beliebiger Anraten oder, es darbietet sich, bereits hat sie in benutzbarer Format gib mir Zetergeschrei.
One thing I've forgotten was how to extract the models from the games into OBJ or other useful formats. I thought I'd already done it years ago, but unable to locate them. If anyone has any advice or happens to already have them in a useable format please give me a yell.
Gut fand Information ingame, selbst hinweglesen all codiert an Einrichtung, Waffen und submarines.
Eins Ding, das ich vergaßen, war, was zu herausziehen Modells ab Spiele in OBJ oder anderer nutzbarer Formate. Ich dachte, daß ich bereits erledigte dieser Jahre rückwärts, aber nicht in Befund zu plazieren sie. Falls irgendwer hat beliebiger Anraten oder, es darbietet sich, bereits hat sie in benutzbarer Format gib mir Zetergeschrei.
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Re: looking for information
Well slowly getting information I've been looking for, by google searchs and hunting down old web sites I still have links for.
But not having much joy with location model format information or 3d models from all three games, luckly I do have a few plan views of some submarines for all three games, and plan to get a few more with software I have to capture the information I need. But this'll take me longer to develop the submarines from nothing but images, ideally get the models and putting them into a 3d editor and enhancing would have been faster.
Once I have a few completed submarines, I'll post a image of each and once happy will post a link for a full working demo level and maybe even a multiplayer battle mission.
Gut langsam, bekommt Information, die ich sucht, Suche der Information in Internet searchs und ausspäht alter Webseiten, die ich all noch hat, entspinnt sich.
Aber nicht mit viel Freude mit dem Standort -Modell-Format Informationen oder 3D-Modelle aus allen drei Spielen luckly ich habe ein paar Draufsichten einiger U-Boote für alle drei Spiele , und planen Sie ein paar mehr mit Software Ich habe die Informationen zu erfassen bekomme ich brauchen. Aber das wird mich länger dauern, bis die U-Boote aus dem Nichts , sondern Bilder zu entwickeln , im Idealfall bekommen die Modelle und setzen sie in eine 3D -Editor und die Verbesserung wäre schneller gewesen.
Einmal habe ich ein paar fertige u-Boote, ich werde ein Bild der einzelnen Posten und einmal glücklich werde einen Link für eine volle funktionsfähige demo Ebene und vielleicht sogar eine Mehrspieler-Kampf-Mission.
But not having much joy with location model format information or 3d models from all three games, luckly I do have a few plan views of some submarines for all three games, and plan to get a few more with software I have to capture the information I need. But this'll take me longer to develop the submarines from nothing but images, ideally get the models and putting them into a 3d editor and enhancing would have been faster.
Once I have a few completed submarines, I'll post a image of each and once happy will post a link for a full working demo level and maybe even a multiplayer battle mission.
Gut langsam, bekommt Information, die ich sucht, Suche der Information in Internet searchs und ausspäht alter Webseiten, die ich all noch hat, entspinnt sich.
Aber nicht mit viel Freude mit dem Standort -Modell-Format Informationen oder 3D-Modelle aus allen drei Spielen luckly ich habe ein paar Draufsichten einiger U-Boote für alle drei Spiele , und planen Sie ein paar mehr mit Software Ich habe die Informationen zu erfassen bekomme ich brauchen. Aber das wird mich länger dauern, bis die U-Boote aus dem Nichts , sondern Bilder zu entwickeln , im Idealfall bekommen die Modelle und setzen sie in eine 3D -Editor und die Verbesserung wäre schneller gewesen.
Einmal habe ich ein paar fertige u-Boote, ich werde ein Bild der einzelnen Posten und einmal glücklich werde einen Link für eine volle funktionsfähige demo Ebene und vielleicht sogar eine Mehrspieler-Kampf-Mission.
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
- Lt. Commander
- Beiträge: 210
- Registriert: Montag 7. Juni 2010, 18:54
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: looking for information
Well at least for schleichfahrt I can provide a decent modelloader/viewer which might be rewritten to a converter with reasonable affort.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/schleic ... /p3d-file/ <-Schleichfahrt remake. Für die p3d Datei wird http://www.panda3d.org/download.php?runtime benötigt.
Re: looking for information
thanks Nox_firegalaxy. how'd you do your models for your project?Nox_firegalaxy hat geschrieben:Well at least for schleichfahrt I can provide a decent modelloader/viewer which might be rewritten to a converter with reasonable affort.
I know AD uses .SHP model format, and AD & AD2 use MSB model formats, but have had not been able to locate a format converter into an useful format. I used to have all the models on an old XP PC of mine, but not sure if the HDD in it still has it. have to locate an graphics card to get it running. these were files the GodGell had maked to advise manny years ago how to convert. I've PM'd him about this, as I have heaps of 3d software and editoring software to update all models and textures for modern game games. as it is I have a fully registered/licenced game engine with networking built-in and MMO capacity.
have managed to get/manage a number of 3d plan views of AD and AD2 submarines, torpedoes will be made from original artwork and scaled correctly (measurement and weight as well, and include collision messes

Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Re: looking for information
Nox_firegalaxy is that viewer command promote based or 32bit? Current workstation is Win7 64bit, and when running I get a command promote window and another windows window, but no command interface.
I've managed to get Aquanox and Aquanox2 .msb models converted to .x format. But currently have issues loading .x model into anything. But luckly I can still get to the vector points within the .x file, so may have to use these to manually construct them into my 3d editor.
I've managed to get Aquanox and Aquanox2 .msb models converted to .x format. But currently have issues loading .x model into anything. But luckly I can still get to the vector points within the .x file, so may have to use these to manually construct them into my 3d editor.
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
- Lt. Commander
- Beiträge: 210
- Registriert: Montag 7. Juni 2010, 18:54
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: looking for information
Well its just a viewer and to load a model you have to call it via terminal/cmd and hand the path to the file over or just drop the file onto the exe. But in the current state this viewer is not that helpful for you. But it is irrlicht based and irrlicht supports a decent amount of models. Maybe one can export the data directly via irrlicht. Anyway I have to look for the sourcecode at home.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/schleic ... /p3d-file/ <-Schleichfahrt remake. Für die p3d Datei wird http://www.panda3d.org/download.php?runtime benötigt.
Re: looking for information
started work on the AD models, converting into another format, also started project planning on game concept and game engine coding/scripting for partical effects and in game items. I've also managed to make images of the AD and AD2 vessels, these will take a little longer to make and skin.
still thinking about the in station gameplay, and also trans-regional transporting/travel.
there's a number of things I'm looking at including and a few things I'm trying to figure out how to code/script to get the affects I'm looking for.
once I have a basic bit of the code done I'll release a demo gameplay levell.
still thinking about the in station gameplay, and also trans-regional transporting/travel.
there's a number of things I'm looking at including and a few things I'm trying to figure out how to code/script to get the affects I'm looking for.
once I have a basic bit of the code done I'll release a demo gameplay levell.
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!