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Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Montag 4. Juni 2012, 15:59
von Kickthebaby
Hi everybody. I'm trying to unpak the AN2 files in order to see how they've organized the backgrounds and animations of the stations, but It's more difficult than I thougt.
Does anybody know how to unpak the .paks?
Thank you very much:)
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Dienstag 5. Juni 2012, 01:10
von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
We had a tool for that in Project|Aqua (remember those days?). It's called Unmassivepak or unmpak. You can find it in various places around the internet.
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Dienstag 5. Juni 2012, 12:18
von Kickthebaby
Nice, Yes I remember of PA
So as far as I see the backgrounds of the stations are in fact videos. Does any tool exist to convert them to a proper format?
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Dienstag 5. Juni 2012, 21:30
von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
They are not full motion videos. They are pictures with small videos overlayed. I know the format from AD has been decoded, but I don't know about AN2.
The pictures themselves should be in the Files.
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Donnerstag 7. Juni 2012, 09:52
von Kickthebaby
Okay I understand now.
Thanks for the infos

Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Freitag 22. Februar 2013, 11:25
von DragoFire
Movies are BIK formated.
I've been trying to figure out the models formating, with little luck.
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Freitag 22. Februar 2013, 20:56
von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
We had a tool in Project|Aqua to convert the .mod models to directx .x models, textures and all. The tool was called modtox. If you can't find it, remind me on tuesday to look for it on my old hard drives. I don't have time until then.
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Sonntag 24. Februar 2013, 09:36
von DragoFire
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi hat geschrieben:We had a tool in Project|Aqua to convert the .mod models to directx .x models, textures and all. The tool was called modtox. If you can't find it, remind me on tuesday to look for it on my old hard drives. I don't have time until then.
It's no longer on the web (had a look for it), GodGell's site used to have it, but I think that's been changed a few times since then. I might still have it, but have to locate an PCI graphics card for an old PC that may still have it on one of it's drives. Had hoped it had been transfered with other data onto the newest PC. :(
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Sonntag 24. Februar 2013, 10:48
von balthasar
Re: Unpacking AN2 files
Verfasst: Dienstag 26. Februar 2013, 07:55
von DragoFire
Thanks balthasar, they work as they did back in the day. But for some reason the .x files error upon loading/importing with which ever viewer or 3d editor is used. Even using the old directx x-file viewer failed.
Do you know of any special viewer/editor to use?