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Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Montag 14. Juli 2008, 22:06
von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Jemandem absichtlich einen völlig bescheuerten Ohrwurm ins Ohr setzen, noch dazu einen aus grauer Vorzeit, das ist schon echt gemein
Wer, wie was?
Der, die, das!
Wieso weshalb warum?
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Montag 14. Juli 2008, 22:08
von Treak
aaaaaargh du schwein :(
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Montag 14. Juli 2008, 22:12
von Corny
Ha! Abgewehrt!
*Act On Instinct weiterhör*
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Montag 14. Juli 2008, 22:44
von Tempest
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Montag 14. Juli 2008, 23:36
von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Das klappt immer

Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Dienstag 15. Juli 2008, 16:39
von Spion
Corny hat geschrieben:Ha! Abgewehrt!
*Act On Instinct weiterhör*
We're on a point we have to act, if we want to live in a different world...
Passend dazu Frank Klepackis
Act on Invasion von
Universe At War
Gottseidank macht Frank auch wieder bei Alarmstufe Rot 3 mit...
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Dienstag 15. Juli 2008, 17:40
von Corny
Spion hat geschrieben:
Pasend dazu Frank Klepackis Act on Invasion von Universe At War
Is ja eher n Remix oder sowas in die Richtung...
Spion hat geschrieben:
We're on a point we have to act, if we want to live in a different world...
macht zwar mehr Sinn, ich hör jedoch deutlich "We're going to have to act" heraus.
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Dienstag 15. Juli 2008, 22:25
von Spion
Corny hat geschrieben:
macht zwar mehr Sinn, ich hör jedoch deutlich "We're going to have to act" heraus.
Jo stimmt auch^^ Aber das ist bei Musik irgendwie Lustig, man hört immer das was man will. Wie beim "Agathe Bauer" Lied :lol:
Selbst Frank selber hat bei der Stimme von Hell March am Anfang was anderes verstanden (letzter Satz):
The first thing that anyone will ever say about Red Alert’s music is that it has one of the most popular video game songs of all time: “Hell March.” This was the main theme for the game and the whole series, as Red Alert 2 saw a reworked version as well.
This was the first song I wrote for Red Alert, not having any idea about what Red Alert would be. One day I walked in my office at Westwood, picked up my guitar, plugged it in, and that was the first riff I played. I was inspired right away. I knew it would be an instant song, but had no idea it would be a "hit"! I immediately heard in my head that I wanted a marching sound effect that would be in rhythm of the riff. I could see the army NOD getting ready for battle in my head. Sometimes when you write songs, every idea comes at once, and that's what happened here for me. I knew right away that I wanted a military voice sample to put in as well, as if he were commanding the troops while marching. After going through some sound effect libraries, I found a sample that also had a similar rhythm to the song that stood out to me. I always thought he said “We Want War, Wake Up,” but it turned out it’s actually a German phrase for “Ready Weapons!”
PS: Auf Frank's Website kann man alle seine Soundtracks anhören!!!
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Mittwoch 16. Juli 2008, 12:09
von Tempest
Gruesse aus Singapur :lol:
Re: The Maneater's Inn
Verfasst: Mittwoch 16. Juli 2008, 14:23
von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Singapur? Nett. Meine Nachbarin kommt da her? Hast du auch wenigstens Drogen geschmuggelt? No risk, no fun.