EnTrOx t-shirts?

Das Wohnzimmer für Söldner und Piraten - hier kann man über alles quatschen, was in Aqua so los ist
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Registriert: Mittwoch 23. Februar 2011, 01:07

EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von timotaka »

Lately I had the idea of getting a bunch of t-shirts with the logos of fictional companies on them, mainly from science fiction stuff. I started thinking that there are some of those in games I would like to get as well, for example VersaLife from Deus Ex. Then it occurred to me that EnTrOx would be another great choice. Of course, this would all have to be printed at CafePress or something similar.

So, the EnTrOx logo is easy to find, at least in Aquanox. AD/SF has a different logo, but it still has the same red-white color scheme. Anyway, I decided to go with Aquanox. It seemed appropriate to put the actual name of the company next to it, so I looked around the games to see any EnTrOx stuff has actually writing on it in a custom font I could use as a guideline. Then I found this on a jumpship in Aquanox 2:


This appears to be a font named Golden Girdle, which is available as freeware. So, based on this, I made a preliminary design. Now I'm asking if there are people here who would be interested in joining a group order. I have three possible designs thought up, all of which appear in the games (I am aware it is sometimes mirrored, but it seems they settled on this direction in AN2):

Red on white, outlined

Red on white, inversed

White on red

Red on white, outlined with different font

If people here have interest, I thought we could vote on the most popular design and order a bunch of those. How exactly the delivery is handled can be planned out in more detail once we have the geographical distribution of interested parties laid out.

edit: Of course, any feedback on these designs is appreciated.

more edit: And if you have recommendations about where to get these printed, feel free to share that too.
Zuletzt geändert von timotaka am Donnerstag 24. Februar 2011, 18:15, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Registriert: Donnerstag 3. Juli 2008, 19:13

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von Corny »

You already know what I think of these designs :)
I'd prefer the first one on a t-shirt.

Edit: I made experiences with spreadshirt.de in the past, but they don't offer bulk prices (and their bulk prices for shipping starts at 50 orders)
One white t-shirt with one logo at the front is 17,40€, free shipping to Germany from 60€ on, so free shipping with 4 orders or more. Since their shipping is only 2,90€ to Germany and 4€ to all the other countries our member come from (as far as I know), it's cheaper if we order individually, though - so 20,30€ or 21,40€ for each and we don't have to wait weeks (in comparison to ordering from CafePress).

CafePress, however, has bulk pricing, and I think they're pretty good as well.
I hope it doesn't make a difference at how big the logo is (I tested it with your preview options, and they're very small on the t-shirt). CafePress sends from the US, on the other hand, which is more expensive again...
Bulk prices at CafePress with the logo (keep in mind that we still have to send it to you if we bulk order it to one place, though):
1-5 orders -> 25$ + shipping
6-11 orders -> 13,20$ + shipping (example with 6 orders: 79,20$ + 27$ shipping = 106,20$, so 17,7$ + individual shipping for each. That'd be ca. 12,90€ + 4,10€ = 17€ for all German members if we order it to Germany and distribute it from there.)

Keep in mind that I might find coupon codes for CafePress.
Zuletzt geändert von Corny am Donnerstag 24. Februar 2011, 23:18, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Lt. Commander
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Registriert: Donnerstag 3. Juli 2008, 19:36

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von Treak »

First one looks best in my opinion.

I definitely would want one of those.
Why isnt it shipped yet?
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Registriert: Mittwoch 23. Februar 2011, 01:07

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von timotaka »

Corny hat geschrieben:I hope it doesn't make a difference at how big the logo is (I tested it with your preview options, and they're very small on the t-shirt).
I have these in .svg form as well, so they can be scaled as much as necessary without losing sharpness.
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Registriert: Donnerstag 3. Juli 2008, 19:13

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von Corny »

I thought so, I was just referring to the price :)
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Registriert: Mittwoch 2. Juli 2008, 19:15

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi »

I wouldn't wear that font, sorry. I think it very poorly represents EnTrOx. Also, I think it looks better with lower case letters (EnTrOx), after all it stands for "Energy Transportation Oxigen".

I would buy a T-Shirt if people who see it think "What company is that?", and I can give them a smug grin. :D

As for suggestions: How about Handel Gothic? I think "EnTrOx" looks just great in that type.
Im alten und ältesten JJ Policeman
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mittwoch 23. Februar 2011, 01:07

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von timotaka »

Yeah, I'm not too taken by the font either. Just thought I'd go with what's in the game, and I do think in a strange way this fits the rounded shapes of the logo. I'll give Handel Gothic a try. It seems practically identical to the in-game text font in AN1, and I did consider just using that. I'll get a sample picture of that shortly.

edit: Added another one with the different font. Feel free to change your votes if you prefer the new one. ;-)
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Registriert: Mittwoch 2. Juli 2008, 19:15

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von Rikki-Tikki-Tavi »

*facepalms himself*

I just remembered: that IS the font Aquanox used. Explains why I though it "looked right".
Im alten und ältesten JJ Policeman
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mittwoch 23. Februar 2011, 01:07

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von timotaka »

I do think it goes well with the logo too regardless.
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Registriert: Donnerstag 3. Juli 2008, 19:13

Re: EnTrOx t-shirts?

Beitrag von Corny »

A friend of mine works in a custom shirt store - maybe we can get a deal there, but I'd need to know how many orders we'd have.
We (or rather, I) could also bring our own shirts and get them printed - that'd be 6€ for a plain t-shirt at H&M and 15€ for getting it printed there (without discount since I don't know how much that'd be yet).

Also, I have to say that I like the logo with Handel Gothic the best :)