Just to let you know

. I've searched lately for a setting for quick RPG adventures with my gamers, and somehow I recalled the Aquanox world, which I enjoyed even more than the game itself. So I decided to try It out for fast paced Pen & Paper adventures. My players were stunned, so we decided, that we will hang out a bit in the setting. I don't have much time to prepare a lot of playing material ahead of time, but I created a wbsite to keep the boys and girls informed about the setting, as not everyone is familiar with AN. It's completely in polish however and I don't think, I'll find the time to translate it, but if there are any polish-speaking players out there - you may find it amusing.
Anyway 90% of material is from Corny's Aqua-Datennetz site (with his blessing

). There are also some things I plan to put in or throw out just for the sake of roleplaying.
Right now I'm trying to come up with a good sollution for importing subs specs into Savage Worlds system. Weapon power, some specific underwater rules and so on, and make some general guidelines for playing it.
If anybody want's to join the discussion, ask questions, have ideas and so on feel free to post
