Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Das Wohnzimmer für Söldner und Piraten - hier kann man über alles quatschen, was in Aqua so los ist
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Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von Corny »

Mazryonh hat geschrieben:
Corny hat geschrieben:So that's where Nordic's nearly unlimited funds will go now? :D
I'm sorry, what do you mean?
I wanted to point out that Frank Klepacki probably doesn't work for free.
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Registriert: Dienstag 26. Februar 2013, 17:38

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von Mazryonh »

Corny hat geschrieben:I wanted to point out that Frank Klepacki probably doesn't work for free.
Well, I did say I'd be happy if PVCF came back. But even big names like Frank Klepacki can be negotiated with. And his work with the old game Tiberian Sun shows he knows how to do post-apocalyptic atmospheres pretty well.
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Registriert: Donnerstag 10. Juli 2008, 15:36

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von Spion »

Mazryonh hat geschrieben:[...]I heard recently that the Angel's Tears were originally made to melt ice instantly (never mind that enough conventional Nuclear Weapons could do so as well), so that Aqua's "good" factions can instantly melt the polar ice caps and flood the continents so that humanity's subs can attack the land-based Bionts directly. [..]

That the Angel's Tears can melt ice instantly was as far as I remember a hint from Wolfgang Walk and you can see it in the outro of AN2.
The rest was just some stupid theory of mine :D
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- Mannschaftskapitän

"Aufmerksamkeitsspanne" ist das Wort, das notwendig wurde, als die ersten es sich wegen seiner Länge nicht mehr merken konnten. -> Wolfgang Walk
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Registriert: Dienstag 26. Februar 2013, 17:38

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von Mazryonh »

Spion hat geschrieben:That the Angel's Tears can melt ice instantly was as far as I remember a hint from Wolfgang Walk and you can see it in the outro of AN2.
Yes, I know the shattering of one Angel's Tear melted the ice around the cryogenically-preserved creature in McGregor's laboratory; why McGregor had the creature's cryo-chamber right inside his office, or if the creature in the ice is in fact the same "unspeakably horrifying creature" mentioned in the intro is anyone's guess--something which, in my mind, contributes to the poorness of the ending.

Is Wolfgang Walk still around? I know that Helmut Halfmann is dead.
Spion hat geschrieben:The rest was just some stupid theory of mine :D
I see. Still, the ability to melt ice instantly is nothing exceptional. The ability to do so with such a small object is, however. But by all rights, the energy release should have vaporized William too.
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Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von thexil »

Mazryonh hat geschrieben:I see. Still, the ability to melt ice instantly is nothing exceptional. The ability to do so with such a small object is, however. But by all rights, the energy release should have vaporized William too.
Maybe its special, that the Angel's Tears JUST melt ice instantly. I think this would have been a very important thing in HH's AN3. With nuclear weapons you don't just melt ice you destroy everything that is in and around it. And don't forget the all out.
Mazryonh hat geschrieben:why McGregor had the creature's cryo-chamber right inside his office
That is also a very important fact i think. Well McGregor's laboratory is a very big thing which was very very very expensive (especially at this time). It is very sad that we will never find out what the creature does, but i guess William will do the same thing that McGregor did and that this will somehow wake Flints interest.
Aqua dentes habet.
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Registriert: Dienstag 26. Februar 2013, 17:38

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von Mazryonh »

thexil hat geschrieben:Maybe its special, that the Angel's Tears JUST melt ice instantly. I think this would have been a very important thing in HH's AN3. With nuclear weapons you don't just melt ice you destroy everything that is in and around it. And don't forget the fall out.
There's enough fallout on the surface in the 27th Century in Aqua's backstory. Realistically, all the really dangerous stuff should have decayed to safer levels by then, unless the radiation-immune Bionts are continually poisoning the surface to keep humanity from recolonizing it.

In any case, it's hard in my mind to make melting ice instantly useful, unless the Bionts intend to freeze enough of the oceans to remove the radiation shielding it provides to those living in Aqua.
thexil hat geschrieben:That is also a very important fact i think. Well McGregor's laboratory is a very big thing which was very very very expensive (especially at this time). It is very sad that we will never find out what the creature does, but i guess William will do the same thing that McGregor did and that this will somehow wake Flints interest.
The creature was a giant plot hole that should not have been left open.
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Registriert: Freitag 8. August 2008, 02:23
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Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von sideshowBob »

Mazryonh hat geschrieben:The creature was a giant plot hole that should not have been left open.
<< This.
Basically, I have always thought of AN2 as committing the cardinal error of any overambitioned story, which is creating countless new mysteries instead of picking up the lose ends that are already there. I recall someone from Massive mentioning that HH would deliver monumental pieces of story and dialogue, which were difficult to fit into the scale of a single game and eventually had to be cut short.
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: Dienstag 26. Februar 2013, 17:38

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Beitrag von Mazryonh »

sideshowBob hat geschrieben:Basically, I have always thought of AN2 as committing the cardinal error of any overambitioned story, which is creating countless new mysteries instead of picking up the lose ends that are already there. I recall someone from Massive mentioning that HH would deliver monumental pieces of story and dialogue, which were difficult to fit into the scale of a single game and eventually had to be cut short.
AQ1 suffered this as well in the examples I've already mentioned.

This is why I believe Helmut Halfmann could have used better editors. The AQ series could have been divided up into more games to better cover individual events rather than have them cut out or glossed over.