Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von spekkio
Sonntag 1. Dezember 2019, 17:09
Forum: Schleichfahrt - Dock
Thema: AD patch project: Archimedean Dynasty Augmented Mod 1.01
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 236157

Re: AD patch project: Archimedean Dynasty Augmented Mod 1.01

Sup, Leute. I would like to inform you, that Augmented Mod v1.2 ist fertig and available for download. For a month now, but whatever... https://www.mediafire.com/?7ju1zd29lpyechl So, people crazy enough to do it, can start working on GER translation, making the mod fully compatible with Schleichfahr...
von spekkio
Sonntag 3. Februar 2019, 19:09
Forum: Schleichfahrt - Dock
Thema: AD patch project: Archimedean Dynasty Augmented Mod 1.01
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 236157

Re: AD patch project: Archimedean Dynasty Augmented Mod 1.01

Hallo, Leute! I just wanted to let you know, that I've started working on version 1.2 of Augmented Mod. More info and download link for 1st Alpha here: RPG Codex Unfortunately, it's fully-functional only in case of Archimedean Dynasty (ENG), because Schleichfahrt (GER) still needs some skilled GER->...