Die Suche ergab 25 Treffer

von Mazryonh
Sonntag 29. September 2013, 01:57
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Basically, I have always thought of AN2 as committing the cardinal error of any overambitioned story, which is creating countless new mysteries instead of picking up the lose ends that are already there. I recall someone from Massive mentioning that HH would deliver monumental pieces of story and d...
von Mazryonh
Donnerstag 19. September 2013, 23:41
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Maybe its special, that the Angel's Tears JUST melt ice instantly. I think this would have been a very important thing in HH's AN3. With nuclear weapons you don't just melt ice you destroy everything that is in and around it. And don't forget the fall out. There's enough fallout on the surface in t...
von Mazryonh
Sonntag 15. September 2013, 02:47
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

That the Angel's Tears can melt ice instantly was as far as I remember a hint from Wolfgang Walk and you can see it in the outro of AN2. Yes, I know the shattering of one Angel's Tear melted the ice around the cryogenically-preserved creature in McGregor's laboratory; why McGregor had the creature'...
von Mazryonh
Freitag 13. September 2013, 05:56
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Corny hat geschrieben:I wanted to point out that Frank Klepacki probably doesn't work for free.
Well, I did say I'd be happy if PVCF came back. But even big names like Frank Klepacki can be negotiated with. And his work with the old game Tiberian Sun shows he knows how to do post-apocalyptic atmospheres pretty well.
von Mazryonh
Donnerstag 12. September 2013, 07:18
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

So that's where Nordic's nearly unlimited funds will go now? :D I'm sorry, what do you mean? I heard recently that the Angel's Tears were originally made to melt ice instantly (never mind that enough conventional Nuclear Weapons could do so as well), so that Aqua's "good" factions can ins...
von Mazryonh
Mittwoch 11. September 2013, 06:29
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

Yes, but I guess that's mostly because everyone is like "oh yeah, it's that Metal Gear Stuff by that Kojima guy" and rolls with it. Actually, the only reviewer that comes to my mind that criticizes all the talking etc. is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, who mentioned in his review of Rev...
von Mazryonh
Montag 9. September 2013, 05:13
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Re: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

I think I remember German magazines criticizing the amount of talking, too. Guess that's not surprising if people expect a game with mainly action and many explosions :D Not just German magazines. Let me link to the problematic English reviews. The one from gamespot.com has a passage that reads: &q...
von Mazryonh
Samstag 7. September 2013, 03:55
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 88754

Aquanox being rebooted by Nordic Games

This is the English version of their announcement on Aug. 25: http://www.polygon.com/2013/8/23/4651434/aquanox-reboot-in-development-at-nordic-games I hope this time around they get some better writers, because English reviewers really blasted the Aquanox series' writing and dialogue as "near-m...
von Mazryonh
Mittwoch 27. März 2013, 00:39
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Dr. Finch's "Sonic Laser" takes a step towards reality
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 31106

Dr. Finch's "Sonic Laser" takes a step towards reality

Dr. Finch in Aquanox 2, just before the "Machina Antarctica" mission, mentioned that she was making a "Sonic Laser," which at the time of the game's release I thought to mean nothing more than unsubstantiated "technobabble" (meaningless words that are supposed to sound ...
von Mazryonh
Sonntag 17. März 2013, 08:26
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Are the ELF transmitters based on a mistranslation?
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 60406

Re: Are the ELF transmitters based on a mistranslation?

What about the seafloor? Wouldn't it be possible to receive them anywhere as long as we ware on the seafloor? The vast part of the seafloor away from continental shores (AKA the Abyssal Plain) is a featureless and flat mud plain. I doubt that would be a good echo surface for long-range sonic signal...