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von DragoFire
Dienstag 21. Januar 2020, 10:31
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Archimedean Dynasty on Ubisoft
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 148168

Archimedean Dynasty on Ubisoft

yip was surprised to see this listed on their store.

fulling win10 working, and stable.

though it the original version with DOSBOX, but by far the most stable version I've been yet.
von DragoFire
Dienstag 21. Januar 2020, 10:29
Forum: Lounge
Thema: Neue Postivie Meldung von Nordic Games über AN 3
Antworten: 165
Zugriffe: 694393

Re: Neue Postivie Meldung von Nordic Games über AN 3


Thought still waiting on new updates of Deepdive, the development team's PR person isn't the best in keeping the community on discord, let alone any other group up to date.
von DragoFire
Sonntag 16. August 2015, 23:46
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Hey guys, its me again. I have some great news :) I am now able to open and convert the original Archimedean Dynasty sound files, i saved some of them already as .ogg vorbis file. I will use those files in my modding projects. You'll need to check copy rights on those sound files, as if there are s...
von DragoFire
Sonntag 16. August 2015, 23:38
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

From my first impression I'd say the waters are mostly shallow, although there are deep sea areas (one abyss in particular). Might be a little too confined for the Succubus if its is true to scale, but I will report back if I have explored it a little more. The water is quite convincing by the way,...
von DragoFire
Montag 2. Februar 2015, 06:02
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Yeah i know but it is funny to see those small textures :D I wish Nordic Games would release the original render stuff (if it even exists anymore), because those textures seem to have been bigger than 256x256 while Massive was doing the models. After finishing the game they just scaled them down. T...
von DragoFire
Sonntag 1. Februar 2015, 19:07
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

@Biohazard die Tools sind momentan nicht verfügbar. @DragonFire omg are those 256x256 textures??? :D They are completely useless (the low poly Zorn model too) so it is required to remodel the Zorn and give it brand new custom textures :D How did you convert the textures? BTW. The Succubus is now 90...
von DragoFire
Sonntag 1. Februar 2015, 07:31
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Einheit-101 hat geschrieben:Here is a part of the improved Succubus model... i finished the left wing. It`s a LOT of work, but it seems to be worth every penny.

I like the Zorn better for looks.
von DragoFire
Donnerstag 29. Januar 2015, 19:58
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

if interested I have all AD, AN and AN2 models coverted into .X format :)
von DragoFire
Donnerstag 29. Januar 2015, 19:00
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

I will do what i can with the Succubus. BTW: I found the issue with MSBtoX, it does connect all faces the wrong way and that causes the model fail. There must be 2 different MSBtoX programs, one with this issue and one without because some ppl had successful conversions. Wrong 3D Model entry: 3; //...
von DragoFire
Dienstag 6. Mai 2014, 01:25
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: Unpacking AN2 files
Antworten: 72
Zugriffe: 381229

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Well found problem, for some reason the MSBTOX files I had were the incorrect ones. Managed to get the old XP server up and running and located the original version which works 100% for both AN and AN2.