Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von djdeadmind
Dienstag 13. Oktober 2009, 17:33
Forum: Lounge
Thema: 2009: first contact
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 19719

Re: 2009: first contact

It's either McGregor's creature or a Squid... PS: what's up you guys? it seems the entire english section of this forum is gone :( could someone please give me a short summary of what's happened since I left (the previous) JJ? Is it you Goddy?? Keeping a long story short: the forum was down a few t...
von djdeadmind
Montag 12. Oktober 2009, 10:36
Forum: Lounge
Thema: 2009: first contact
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 19719

2009: first contact



PS: what's up you guys? it seems the entire english section of this forum is gone :( could someone please give me a short summary of what's happened since I left (the previous) JJ?
von djdeadmind
Montag 3. August 2009, 08:00
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: World of Aqua pics
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 197174

Re: World of Aqua pics

Hey, Godgell! Guess who's admin now... me ... Policeman I modeled this style after the original JJ. You like it? Niiice! :D this forum has survived so many deaths and resurrections, it's invincible :D Finally GOD is back :D Thanks Goddy for it, and sorry for spamming Your every community portal pm ...
von djdeadmind
Sonntag 19. Juli 2009, 00:51
Forum: AquaNox 2 Revelation - Dock
Thema: World of Aqua pics
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 197174

Look who's back!! :D It's me, GodGell :D Sorry it took me so long to get around. I had to deal with some bad sh1t in my life at the moment. I found a fairly complete backup of my Aqua site, however I've only got an outdated main include file and I'm missing the databases, so I can't restore the sit...