Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von ScorpyX
Mittwoch 15. September 2010, 03:14
Forum: Lounge
Thema: 3D Anaglyph
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16902

Re: 3D Anaglyph

I did not create this video
i record real time game 8]

All you need is iZ3D Driver
and your anaglyph glasses

ps. and you can adjust the 3D effect it directly into aquanox
(thx google translite)
von ScorpyX
Montag 13. September 2010, 05:50
Forum: Lounge
Thema: 3D Anaglyph
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16902

3D Anaglyph

3D Anaglyph glasses

3D Anaglyph video test